Finally, a way to stop unconsciously clenching your jaw during the day or while you sleep!

Are you unconsciously clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth?

If you are, you may be suffering from bruxism which is grinding, gnashing of the teeth or clenching. According to Cedars Sinai, it’s estimated that up to 33% of adults grind their teeth or are jaw clenching during the day and more than 1 out of 10 during their sleep. Feeling embarrassed to be in meetings because of cracking & missing meals with family is not anything anyone wants to go through.

Dr. Radfar, a TMJ specialist with over 10,500 patients treated for jaw pain, headaches, popping/clicking of the jaw, clenching and grinding of the teeth provides tips and solutions to help reduce the effects of the condition.

First, it’s important to know why the grinding and clenching happens.

There are several causes of unconscious jaw clenching triggers can be different for each person. Many people clench because of stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Some people overwork the jaw like biting nails, chewing ice, and chewing gum all can lead to grinding. It can also be psychological or genetic. Smoking, drink alcohol, or using drugs can also increase your risk of getting bruxism.

  • Daytime Clenching -If you're jaw clenching during the day it can more often be caused by stress, anxiety, tension, or by concentrating too hard. All very common with a stressful work environment.  
  • Nighttime Clenching- Clenching at night be a cause of sleep apnea, hyperactivity, or even acid reflux. 

What are the impacts of jaw clenching?

Grinding your teeth or jaw clenching at night means your more than likely running your bed partners night and potentially disrupting your own sleep. This can also lead to serious side effects that harm your mouth, teeth, jaw and overall oral health.

  • Pain: You may experience jaw pain, stiffness, soreness, or potentially earaches because of the constant stress and pressure on the joints from grinding and clenching.
  • Jaw Disorders – TMJ: You can affect the Structure of joints and muscles that make up the jaw. Can lead to difficulty chewing and swallowing along with facial and neck pain.
  • Damaged Teeth: A leading effect of grinding of and clenching.
  • Gum recession - Grinding overtime causes teeth to loosen, developing pockets where bacteria can enter and cause the gums to pull away from the teeth.
  • Headaches: Painful migraines and tension headaches due to stress and pressure applied to face and jaw muscles.

Treatment for jaw clenching and teeth grinding

As discussed earlier, Dr. Radfar is TMJ specialist with over 10,500 patients treated for jaw pain, headaches, popping/clicking of the jaw clenching and grinding of the teeth. With his experience he was able to formulate an all-natural supplement, RAD JAW designed specifically to treat those with TMJ problems.
RAD JAW’s all-natural ingredients specifically help interrupt the common habits of muscular tension that cause chronic contraction of the muscles of the mouth, jaw, eyes, and brow.

RAD JAW Benefits: 

  • Reduce facial tension
  • Reduce Jaw or TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) pain
  • Reduce eye strain and headaches
  • Improve the comfort of your neck, shoulders, and back
  • Improve breathing
  • Soothe and relax your nervous system; reduce anxiety
  • Reduce tension wrinkles
  • Improve comfort in chewing, speaking, and smiling 

    All Natural Ingredients Include: 

    • Chondroitin Sulfate, Glucosamine and MSM: Heals jaw joints
    • Magnesium and Fish Oil: Reduces jaw muscle inflammation
    • Calcium and Vitamin D3: For jaw-bone healing and strengthening

    We understand suffering from jaw pain, clenching, or grinding of the teeth is difficult and cause havoc to your life. Trying RAD JAW is step in the right direction to solve your TMJ or related problems. Try RAD JAW today and start enjoying the meals you love once again!

    If you try RAD JAW and continue to have jaw related pain problems, reach out to Dr. RadFar directly through the website and schedule a consultation, or consult with your doctor.

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